Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How to Choose the Color Palette of a Web Design?

The language of colors is well understood and well defined since ages. Every color has certain impression and expression associated with it. When talking about a Web Design, colors are of foremost importance. In this age of advanced technology, your business is known by the quality of your web design. Your clientele and your business partners connect to you via the platform of your website and the colors in your web design serve as an element that helps to garb the attention of your consumer.
Responses to Colors: The responses attached to colors are mostly instinctive and others vary with cultures and regions. Our mind and senses are tuned to respond in a particular manner to a particular color. Therefore choosing the right color to elicit a certain response in the viewer can turn your task swifter and smoother.
Business Vision: The web design should create the authentic image of your business vision and colors are one of the most important tools that reflect the nature of your business. An organization that has a vision to reduce the hazardous effects of environmental pollution with its products then the colors of its web design should produce an effect of refreshing and healthy environment i.e. shouldn’t include dull and dry colors. Aligning colors with your objectives is a bit difficult task but you can easily define the color palette for your web design if you understand the psychology of colors.Logo Design

Target Customers: Colors in a web design should be in accordance with the segment of society it caters to and the kind of products or services that an organization manufactures or delivers. If your products are related to youngsters then your web design should have vibrant colors which send energizing vibes to your target customers. Colors have the tendency to mould the thinking of individuals and transform their moods accordingly. Therefore, one should carefully select the color palette for his/her web design.

Combination of Colors: Filling in your web design with a number of different colors is another intricate chapter. Combination of colors has its own rules and standards. Certain combinations are worth noticeable while others fail to grab the attention of the viewer. The bottom line is again the same that is the different colors used in the web design should not be able to disregard the main objective of your corporate vision. There are certain combinations which have been in use for so long (like blood red with parrot green) that there presence in your web design will not be able to catch the viewers eye at first glance and thus your viewer will began to loose his/her interest from the very beginning. Working with different color schemes can give the element of uniqueness to your web design.

Thus, choosing the color palette for your website design is as important as choosing the content and graphics for it. It is an amalgamation of complimenting colors that helps you portray the right image of your corporate stature among your clients and competitors.

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